Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The MergeFactory is installed through the G Suite Marketplace as a Google Sheets Add-on. The add-on is built solely using Google Apps Script through the G Suite Developer Hub. The user's Google Spreadsheet data, Document content, and Emails are never accessible to PCAdd-ons as the developer. All user data is hosted by Google and does not leave the Google environment. The MergeFactory is simple a tool that utilizes Google created API's to provide integration between G Suite products. The user information that the MergeFactory can access is outlined below.

Free Version

This add-on was developed to limit the amount of information collected to a minimum. The free version does not collect any information from the user. Since no user information is collected, PCAdd-ons does not have a way to notify users of any updates. This website will always have the most current information, terms, and policies.

Coupon Codes

PCAdd-ons receives an email from the users email address, the number of free subscription days, and the paid through date, when you enter a valid coupon code. All emails PCAdd-ons receives are retained permanently in our company G Suite Business account.

Premium Version

PCAdd-ons receives an email from the users email address, the number of subscription days, and paid through date, when you upgrade to a premium subscription. PCAdd-ons, through our merchant account processor (Stripe), receives the amount, zip code, subscription days, and the email address you provide, in order to process credit card transactions. Stripe may email the user a transaction receipt. All emails PCAdd-ons receives are retained permanently in our company G Suite Business account.

How user information is used, stored and shared

The limited personal data collected will not be leased, rented, sold or given to any third party entity not required to provide for the function of this add-on. PCAdd-ons has no intention of using any collected data for mass promotional purposes. PCAdd-ons will only use information collected to offer support for this add-on, request a user review in the G Suite Marketplace, and provide any notifications of updates if it is deemed necessary. This website will always have the most current information, terms, and policies. The limited data that is collected is securely stored in PCAdd-ons company G Suite Business account. The user account the personal information is stored in utilizes two-factor authentication.

If the company decides to utilize any user data collected for future promotional use, a way to opt out of future promotions will be offered. PCAdd-ons reserves the right to sell either the business or this add-on, which would include any customer data collected.

Updates to the MergeFactory are made at the developers discretion. PCAdd-ons makes every effort to provide accurate descriptions, tutorials, images, videos, pricing, terms, policies, and will posted updates on this website at